Spring Bitters Campaign

It's Back!

Urban Moonshine Spring Bitters Campaign 

All Digestive Bitters at 15% + Off

Plus a Consumer Giveaway: Enter to Win an Herbal Medicine Package Worth $1,700!

We are proud to partner with the Herbal Academy to offer a spring wellness package including one year of free herbal education plus a one year supply of Urban Moonshine!


Want 25% Off? Learn How Below!

Buy-in dates 3/19 - 4/29/25

Here is How It Works!

Save an additional 10% off by participating in any of the below activities:

  • Off-shelf merchandising displays: Use our new print-ready assets to make the display your own! 

  • Post on social media to promote Urban Moonshine products and the sale. See our media kit for turnkey approved assets and copy.

  • Participate in an event: co-host an herb walk with Urban Moonshine, schedule a staff training, or offer an in-store sampling event

*Maximum allowable discount is 25% off

Consumer Giveaway

Consumer Giveaway! We are proud to partner with the Herbal Academy to offer a spring wellness package including one year of free herbal education plus a one year supply of Urban Moonshine!

Giveaway display signs will ship with all promo orders. Display with products.

QR code for easy scan to enter.