Spring Bitters Campaign
It's Back!
Urban Moonshine Spring Bitters Campaign
All Digestive Bitters at 15% + Off
Plus a Consumer Giveaway: Enter to Win an Herbal Medicine Package Worth $1,700!
We are proud to partner with the Herbal Academy to offer a spring wellness package including one year of free herbal education plus a one year supply of Urban Moonshine!
Want 25% Off? Learn How Below!
Buy-in dates 3/19 - 4/29/25
Here is How It Works!
Save an additional 10% off by participating in any of the below activities:
Off-shelf merchandising displays: Use our new print-ready assets to make the display your own!
Post on social media to promote Urban Moonshine products and the sale. See our media kit for turnkey approved assets and copy.
Participate in an event: co-host an herb walk with Urban Moonshine, schedule a staff training, or offer an in-store sampling event
*Maximum allowable discount is 25% off
Media Kit